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Like any other business, running an e-commerce store requires operators to ensure that they have what it takes to turn in a profit. For some operators, this has been very easy. However, for others, finding the right tools and tricks for e-commerce success has been more of a dream than reality. No matter how hard they try, they fail.
If you’re one of those e-commerce operators, we’d like to tell you that the key ingredient you’re missing is the right technology. Here are a few examples of technology that you need to keep your eye on for e-commerce success.
Mobile apps
This has been stated thousands of times and we’ll state it again – the future is mobile. You don’t need statistics and studies to prove this. Just take a simple look around you and you’ll see what we mean. So, if you want real success in your e-commerce efforts, you need to have a mobile app as part of your core e-commerce operations.
Apps offer a ton of benefits. For starters, they serve as mediums for a quick and trouble-free shopping experience. For instance, apps offer customers the ability to remain logged in, which decreases site access time. They just have to launch the app and start browsing.
Customers take their mobile phones wherever they go and that means you can target them with new offers, products, and discounts no matter where they are. They can be constantly updated with the latest news and information.
Finally, due to the fact that apps require logins, you have the chance to leverage customer details to provide unique and personalized shopping experiences to your most loyal customers.
Same day delivery
This might have been impossible a few years ago, but, it’s becoming a reality as we speak. Thanks to the proliferation of drones, it has become possible for e-commerce retailers to offer same day delivery. Of course, this is only in the experimental stage as of now, but, you would be wise to keep an eye on this upcoming method of delivery.
As they say, the early bird gets the worm. So, watch out and adapt as soon as you see the opportunity.
Drones made for this purpose are quite capable and most of them can handle up to 6 pounds of weight. So, integrating drones into your e-commerce platform would serve you well.
Invest in security
A drawback with all things digital is the vulnerability to hacking. Digital security is a matter of utmost importance, especially in the e-commerce arena, as you are dealing with confidential data on a daily basis. So, security is something you need to offer if you want customers to trust you.
The basic step is to invest in and install a robust security system. There are dedicated systems such as E-commerce Fraud Prevention systems. Make sure you do the research and find out what security solutions work best for your e-commerce site.
But, don’t assume it ends there. You need to establish robust data protection policies and best practices across your company to make sure there are no vulnerabilities. For example, employees are known to be a major source of vulnerability when it comes to hacking. So, make sure even your employees are trained in this aspect.
Source: B2C
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