Tuesday 14 November 2017

5 Need-to-Know Tips on Boosting the Conversion Rates on Your Payment Pages

5 Need-to-Know Tips on Boosting the Conversion Rates on Your Payment Pages

As an online store, you should have invested a huge amount of time in perfecting your sales funnel and your advertising campaigns to get people to your store. Once the leads are in your store, you’ve successfully navigated through your product pages, and they’ll finally get to the payment page, one click away from becoming a paying customer.

But then the lead stops.

In fact, the average conversion rate for most online stores is around 2 or 3%. This is shocking, and it’s no wonder that store owners are looking for new and exciting ways to boost these statistics. If you can manage to boost your 2% conversion rate to 4%, you’ve already doubled your sales.

Today, we’ll explore five key tips that you need to know that can help you to stop this budget-destroying conversion rate and how you can adapt your pages for success.

Build Trust in Your Business

Everybody has a gut feeling or an itch on the back of their neck that they follow. If you’re walking through town at night and you go to turn down a dark alley, your Spidey Senses tingle and you choose to take another route.

Likewise, if you’ve ended up on the payment page of a website and something doesn’t feel right, you’re not going to start sticking your credit card details into it.

Statistically, around 20% of customers will completely abandon their shopping carts or baskets because they feel unsure, or even unsafe by the page that they’re on.

To combat this, you need to build trust in your pages. The easiest way to do this is by a secure ‘https’ format to your URL. This means when your users click this part of the URL, they’ll be able to see a genuine security certificate that will help them breathe a sigh of relief.

Likewise, you can add trust marks from leading trust organisations that people are going to recognise. You may also need to review the design of your payment pages. Even the theme or the colours you’re using can seem illegitimate, so you may need to review this.

Check the Quality of Your Payment Pages

Hand in hand with the consideration above, if you’ve got a payment page that’s full of errors and mistakes, your customer is going to find it hard to navigate and understand your pages as well as making them feel uneasy that your website is going to steal all their money.

This means checking, editing and proofreading your payment pages to make sure that they’re perfect and free from errors. You can assist your proofreading process by using tools such as State of Writing.

While proofreading, you may want to take this opportunity to edit your content. Is your content sending the message that you want to send? Are you communicating properly with your customers or are you scaring them away? You can figure this out by asking people in your team and by using A/B testing websites.

If your conversion rates are low, it may be worth editing your content anyway to see if you can boost your conversion rates. For help with the editing process, you can use online services such as Boomessays and UK Writings. Alternatively, you can have your content completely re-written by a professional writer.

While on the subject of quality, check all aspects, not just your content. Are you using any images on your payment page? If so, what quality are they? If they are blurred or poor quality, how is this going to reflect on your customers?

Likewise, if the page is poorly laid out and the input boxes aren’t big enough, you’re going to be actively pushing customers away from your website. Make things bold, easy to read, easy to digest and really easy to use. The easier your payment page is to use, the happier your customers will be to use it.

Making Your Pages Mobile-Friendly

When it comes to payment pages, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, this will have epic consequences for your conversion rates. If you’ve ever been on a payment page that doesn’t work properly on your mobile device, you’ll already be well aware of the problems this can have.

Usually, there are so many boxes to fill out and so many forms to input information, if your user is having to zoom in and out and trying to get a bull’s eye on the input boxes with their thumbs, they’re probably just going to give up and leave.

Bear in mind that over 25% of all shopping payments made on the internet are made through a mobile device, so this is not an aspect to be taken lightly.

Whether you’re going to develop a separate payment site that’s dedicated to mobile devices or using a responsive theme on your store, make sure you’re giving your customers the best experience.

If you are creating a website for mobile users, you may want to consider your content. For your desktop users, the amount of content you have on your payment page might be fine as it’s all nicely spaced out and easy to read but get this onto a mobile browser and things can start to look messy really quickly.

This means refining your website content and making it more precise. You can do this by trying to half your word count or by using a professional writing service, such as Paper Fellows, who can refine your content on your behalf.

Less Time to Think

Okay, so you’re not trying to trick your customers into not thinking when they’re buying your products but it is important to cut the number of steps down that it takes to make a payment. Not only does this give them less time to reconsider, but it’s also a better user experience. Nobody wants to spend all day putting their information into a box.

Consider an online store with multiple payment options available as well as lucrative ‘1-Click Purchase’ button which users can complete an order, complete with payment and delivery details in just one click.

You can also implement one-click payment pages onto your website as well as hosting the ability to save card details on your website to make things faster. If you choose to opt for this, it’s essential that you have top-of-the-range security protecting your website and your user’s details.

Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the content on your payment pages isn’t too long. If there’s too much to read, your customers are going to get bored, and they’ll simply leave your website.

If you’ve got content that some of your customers may want to read, but it’s not essential, such as shipping and refund policies, try putting a link to this information which is stored on other pages. You can also try and cut your content down to make it more precise.

Optimise Your Experience Using Analytics

How often do you check your website’s analytical pages? Of course, you’ll be interested in where your customers are coming from, how many are coming and which pages they’re using. However, have you ever checked deeper to see what your platform is offering you?

With most, you’ll be able to look into certain aspects such as what exact device your customers are using, what operating system they are using and even what screen resolution they are viewing your website in.

This is all valuable information that you can take advantage of, and it can boost your conversion rates dramatically. For example, if 80% of your users are using a 1280 x 400 screen resolution, why not redesign your website payment pages, which will only take a few clicks and adjustments, to fit this size perfectly, if you’re not already using a responsive theme.

Every decision you make should be made using hard, analytical data to back up your decisions. By optimising your experience, you’ll be helping your customers to navigate through your website with ease, giving them the best experience which is effortless on their behalf.

With help in optimising your store’s payment pages, you can check out your competition to see what tactics they are using, as well as bigger websites and stores to see what methods they use. Some will even require you to input your name so they can give you a personalised experience.

Alternatively, you can use tools and services, such as Insta Page, to create fully optimised pages that boost your conversion rates from scratch.


Many online stores make the mistake of trying to implement and boost tactics they are already using, but while this might slightly boost your conversion rates, it’s more likely a technique that you’re not implementing that will be harming your rates.

Work towards boosting the conversion rates of your existing traffic, rather than trying to draw in more customers from new sources by converting your payment pages into something really special!

Source: B2C

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